Friday, June 26, 2009

God is a Whisper

Before I get into today's daily encouragement I would like to give a backdrop for the story. I am usually fairly decent at praying continuously throughout a day. Whether it is just giving a short thanks for something or just saying hi to the Lord. For some reason, tonight I failed to do so. I worked from 4 - 10 pm and completely shut God out of everything I was doing. I was a busy bee. When I came home, I felt lonely because I hadn't spent time with the Lord all evening. While I was preparing my dinner, God whispered to me, "God is a whisper." I immediately thought of Elijah on top of the mountain and I knew what I had to write about that for today's encouragement. I pray that it will be a blessing to you all who read it.

God is a whisper. How many times do we go through each day ignoring His voice in all the little ways? So often we expect to see him move in grand ways but in most cases, this is not the case. I think back to Elijah on the great Mount Sinai where the Lord commanded him to "stand before me." If you are familiar with the story you will know that a furious wind swept across the mountain, shattering rocks and splitting mountains but God was not in the wind. Then an earthquake occurred but God was not in the earthquake. Then there was a great fire but God was not in the fire. When finally, after all these dynamic events God showed up in the smallest most subtle way possible. In a whisper. I don't know about you, but I think of a whisper as something soft, intimate, personal, and caring. What a great way for God to communicate to us!!! I think this demonstrates how God desires a close and personal relationship with us. He does not want to have to display great feats for man to follow him. He simply wants to be our friend, our guidance, our Savior.

Of course, we have to be willing to go to the top of the mountain like Elijah did and withstand all these other great "fires, earthquakes, and great winds" that may pass us. You see, so many things will come by us in this life CLAIMING to be God simply by some greatness that they have. They come in many different disguises. Today it may be money, television, food, anything that consumes your life and takes you away from God. You must be willing to stand strong through these different "anti-christs" that come and take your attention away from God. Be patient, wait for that soft whisper from God. Because he is always there, even through the great fires and winds. He never leaves nor forsakes you.

May God Bless You All,


" 'Go out and stand before me on the top of the mountain,' the Lord said to [Elijah]. Then the Lord passed by and sent a furious wind that split the hills and shattered the rocks - but the Lord was not in the wind. The wind stopped blwoing, and then there was an earthquake - but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake there was a fire - but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the soft whisper of a voice. When elijah heard it, he covered his face with his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. A voice said to him, 'Elijah, what are you doing here?' "

I Kings 19:11-13


God Loves You

"I have great confidence in you; I take great pride in you. I am greatly encouraged; in all our trouble my joy knows no bound." 2 Corinthians 7:4

When I first read this, I read it as God speaking to me telling me, "I have great confidence in you", "I take great pride in you", "I am greatly encouraged {by you}". Take a moment to reflect on these words coming from God. You see, God wants us always to have confidence in Him, pride in Him, and to be encouraged by Him; but he also wants us to know that he has those SAME feelings towards us!!! How great is that that we serve a God who believes in us, loves us, and cherishes us!!

Now we come to the last part of the verse, "in all our trouble my joy knows no bound." As you may recall, joy and hope tend to be my theme towards life and my relationship with God. Jesus wants us to always have hope and joy in our life, and when we have that, we cannot be bound by an earthly trouble. I also think we could look at this in the light of God. You see, I'm sure we give God a lot of trouble when we do not do things that honor and glorify Him. But, just as God desires us to have joy, God also always has joy towards us. He has faith and believes in us. If he didn't, he would not have loved us enough to send his son to die on the cross so that we may enjoy eternity in heaven.

I love you all and remember that God loves you!


God is Always There

Since I have heard from at least one of you (thanks brother!) that I write too much, I will make today's verse very short! Which, actually works well since I am extremely tired!

Today's verse comes from John. I am sure you all are very familiar with it.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning." (John1:1-3)

I want you all to remember that Christ is with us each and everyday and has been since the beginning of time. He will never forsake or leave us. So stay encouraged!!!

Love you all,


I'm sure you are all familiar with the concept of tithing, where 10% of your income goes to towards God's Church. Today I want to speak on a little bit broader terms in the concept of faith and generosity. It takes faith to tithe, especially when that 10% seems like a big portion of your income. Jesus mentions in Luke 21:1-4 about the widow who gives 2 small copper coins. These 2 small copper coins were more than just 10% of what she had earned, those 2 small copper coins were everything she had. Jesus also refers to the wealthy who only gave money because they had it, not necessarily because they were putting more faith in God. I believe that Jesus is speaking to us not just about tithing, but about something greater than that. You see, tithing is not just about giving money routinely, it is about stepping out in faith believing that God will use that money, multiply it, and expand His kingdom. I can just imagine what those coins say about the widow's faith. She most likely was stricken with hunger, did not have adequate shelter (if she had any at all) and she may not have even had any family around her. Yet she knew that in order to get anywhere in life, she had to give everything that she had to God. In this case, she may have literally done that by giving up those two small coins. Think of what sacrifice that must have taken!!! Do you think that God would ignore such a bold move? Not at all! The bible clearly states that God will bless those who seek after Him. "For the Lord your God will bless you as he promised . . ." (Deuteronomy 15:6) I want you to question yourself right now, what does your tithing say about your relationship with God? Do you take risks and give more than what is asked? Do you give with a cheerful heart as God desires? Or do you do it regretfully, saddened that you must lose that extra portion that could have been a date night, or a couple of tickets to go see a movie? You see, I'm noticing that God looks at our hearts in so many more ways than what we even expect. We may feel that we are doing well in our relationship with God, but are you pushing yourself? Are you evaluating your motives in every "Christian" thing you do? We must not forget that we have the JOY OF THE LORD. THAT is what distinguishes us from every other person. How will people know you are a Christian if you do not have that joy?

So please, give unto the Lord what is His! (Matthew 22:21) Give to your local church, missionary, or whatever you feel called to give towards. And if you do not have anyone to give to, please, feel free to pray diligently about whether or not God wants you to contribute to the Hope Springs Church Plant. You can always visit our website and donate online if you have nowhere else to give too. Or perhaps God will call you to go above what you normally give, to contribute and help to further God's kingdom in Oconomowoc, WI. Either way, God will bless you no matter where you decide to give your money too.

May God Bless You All!!


Also check out 2 Corinthians 8:1-7 (roughly) this is a very encouraging section about giving out of love.

As always, if you do not wish to receive these devotionals anymore, please reply to this message and let me know.
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Sin is Sin

Tonight while I was working out, I came across the most amazing news story. A convenient store owner in his 40's was robbed. The robber who came in who was also around his 30's - 40's. He came in with a bat commanding the man to give him some food items. The shop owner pulled out a rifle and immediately the robber broke down in sobs, got to his knees, and asked for forgiveness. The robber explained that he had lost his job and was only trying to get some food for his family.The shop owner, instead of calling the police immediately, told the man to stay where he was. The owner walked behind the counter and came back around with $40, a loaf of bread, and some other food items. He gave it to the man after making him promise to never rob another place again. The story does not end here, what did the two men do next? They PRAYED together. The robber accepted the convenient store owner's faith and went on with his life. The owner told police if they did find the would-be robber, he would not prosecute him.

Now, the twist comes in the story when we find out that this shop owner was not a Christian. How wonderful and amazing it would have been if he was. No, he was a Muslim. I want to ask all of you, would you do that in a circumstance like that? This man exemplified absolutely EVERYTHING that Christ stands for!!! Christ pities those that we immediately would cast away. Instead, the shop owner showed grace, mercy, pity, love, and even provided for his needs. While looking for a verse that could connect to this story I came across Luke 18:9-14

Jesus is speaking about two different men uplifting prayers to God. The first is a Pharisee....

"Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself, 'God, I thank you that I am not like other men - robbers, evil doers, adulterers - or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.' But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, 'God have mercy on me, a sinner.'
I tell you this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God."

Think about what the Pharisee said, "I am not like other men - robbers, evil doers . . . " How true it is of us Christians to say such a thing as that!!! How often do we compare sins as greater or less than another. Every single sin comes down to two general concepts - selfishness and disobedience to God. Sins do not rank higher or lower in God's eyes. Disobedience is disobedience. It is easy to turn our noses down upon "sinners" in this world (when in reality we ALL are sinners and have fallen short of the Glory of God). I challenge you to think of people in your life who you view as "inferior" to you. If they threatened you, would you give them bread and milk to feed their needs? Or would you turn them away just like the inn owners who turned away Jesus' parents?

God Bless You All.


"For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."
Luke 18:14

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


If I were to summarize my theme for my life in one word, it would be hope. I don't know if this ever happens to any of you, but the verses that always stick out to me the most in the bible are the verses/passages regarding hope. My first bible verse that I ever memorized was Romans 12:12 "Let your hope keep you joyful, be patient in your troubles, and pray at all times" (Good News Bible Version) The definition of hope is: to expect with confidence. When we have hope in God, we are expecting God to move within our lives. I view hope as a synonym for faith. If we have faith, we have hope. Some people throw the word hope around lightly. They will say, I hope that I get off of work this weekend or I hope that I get a computer for Christmas, etc. This is contrary to its definition, these are merely wishes. A wish is simply to have a desire. We must have more than just a desire, we must have confidence.

In this day and age, people have lost hope in Christianity and regretfully, the Church. I firmly believe that if you have lost hope in the Church, you have lost hope for every single individual Christian across this world, for THEY are what makes up the Church (not a building or the location where you meet) What good does it to do to lose hope? How does that encourage others? How is that increasing your faith? It doesn't. There are many forms of suffering in this world. There are emotional, physical, and spiritual sufferings that occur. And yes, these will occur within the Church. But simply because you see suffering and sin within the Church, it does not mean that you should turn your back on it.Christ calls us to not only have hope for one another, but most importantly, "Hope for the GLORY OF GOD!" When we have this kind of hope, well, how can anything else be against us!? Look at the following verse in Romans 5:1-5 **Side Note** - Removing yourself from Church completely because you have been hurt by A church is not the answer. We cannot work together as a body to help each other if we simply leave every time we witness something we disagree with within a church***

"Therefore since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character, and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom God has given us."

Christ CLEARLY tells us that Hope cannot disappoint us! So long as we have the Holy Spirit, our hope will sustain us. All the trials and hardships in life do not matter when we have hope, because we know that God's glory will be revealed at the end of EVERY tribulation, insecurity, doubt, etc.

I pray that we all have hope in God's Kingdom, Church, and his people. May HIS word flourish across this nation and every other nation across this world.

God Bless you all,


"Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised." (Romans 4:20)
^Regarding Abraham