Monday, May 18, 2009

You wouldn't ignore a friend would you?

How do I make a relationship with God personal? There are so many late, tired, grumpy nights where I feel angry that I have to take time to read God's word. I ask myself, why is it important, what will it accomplish, how can God possibly speak to me? Often during these times I'm looking at the relationship half-way. I am of course the one wanting something from the relationship. I forget the many times where God has met me when I have not been giving my all. There are little things that I do to make myself read the bible sometimes (and it isn't always a challenge - just most of the time as a tired, go go go go college student who reads text books all the time). Tonight, I am thinking of God as a friend who needs me. I would set down anything just in order to spend time with a friend in need. It might be weird to think of it in this aspect, but it is true. God needs us. He wants us. He loves us. If this was not true, he would not have poured so much of his love, energy, and creativity into us. So tonight, my friend, my God, just needs some time with his good friend, me. You know, we haven't hung out in awhile. I know he has been missing me. It would be rude if I were to just ignore Him.

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