Friday, June 26, 2009


I'm sure you are all familiar with the concept of tithing, where 10% of your income goes to towards God's Church. Today I want to speak on a little bit broader terms in the concept of faith and generosity. It takes faith to tithe, especially when that 10% seems like a big portion of your income. Jesus mentions in Luke 21:1-4 about the widow who gives 2 small copper coins. These 2 small copper coins were more than just 10% of what she had earned, those 2 small copper coins were everything she had. Jesus also refers to the wealthy who only gave money because they had it, not necessarily because they were putting more faith in God. I believe that Jesus is speaking to us not just about tithing, but about something greater than that. You see, tithing is not just about giving money routinely, it is about stepping out in faith believing that God will use that money, multiply it, and expand His kingdom. I can just imagine what those coins say about the widow's faith. She most likely was stricken with hunger, did not have adequate shelter (if she had any at all) and she may not have even had any family around her. Yet she knew that in order to get anywhere in life, she had to give everything that she had to God. In this case, she may have literally done that by giving up those two small coins. Think of what sacrifice that must have taken!!! Do you think that God would ignore such a bold move? Not at all! The bible clearly states that God will bless those who seek after Him. "For the Lord your God will bless you as he promised . . ." (Deuteronomy 15:6) I want you to question yourself right now, what does your tithing say about your relationship with God? Do you take risks and give more than what is asked? Do you give with a cheerful heart as God desires? Or do you do it regretfully, saddened that you must lose that extra portion that could have been a date night, or a couple of tickets to go see a movie? You see, I'm noticing that God looks at our hearts in so many more ways than what we even expect. We may feel that we are doing well in our relationship with God, but are you pushing yourself? Are you evaluating your motives in every "Christian" thing you do? We must not forget that we have the JOY OF THE LORD. THAT is what distinguishes us from every other person. How will people know you are a Christian if you do not have that joy?

So please, give unto the Lord what is His! (Matthew 22:21) Give to your local church, missionary, or whatever you feel called to give towards. And if you do not have anyone to give to, please, feel free to pray diligently about whether or not God wants you to contribute to the Hope Springs Church Plant. You can always visit our website and donate online if you have nowhere else to give too. Or perhaps God will call you to go above what you normally give, to contribute and help to further God's kingdom in Oconomowoc, WI. Either way, God will bless you no matter where you decide to give your money too.

May God Bless You All!!


Also check out 2 Corinthians 8:1-7 (roughly) this is a very encouraging section about giving out of love.

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